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data processing center中文是什么意思

用"data processing center"造句"data processing center"怎么读"data processing center" in a sentence


  • 数据处理中心
  • 资料处理中心


  • Acer s data processing center construction
  • Adpc automatic data processing center
  • The company consolidated its data processing systems with the opening of a new state - of - the - art data processing center in clinton , n . j
  • It transfers the examination data to the data processing center by the network and the doctors can analyze the data and answer the patients
  • Moreover , up to 2005 , the chinese commercial banks have almost completed the construction of data processing center and the centralization of the operation data
  • Datenverarbeitungszentrum suhl gmbh is a company operating within many ranges and offers data processing centers , project service as well as application service
  • This thesis describes some of my contributions to the data processing center , specifically on the security system of the data processing center
  • In these capacities4 , my responsibilities have included directing the operations of a data processing center serving numerous departments within the city hall complex
  • This thesis first introduces the background in which we developed the data processing center , and then describes the requirement of the data processing center
  • The thesis is concluded by discussions and conclusions that include what to be improved for the data processing center as well as suggestions on works on banking information systems in long term
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"data processing center"造句  
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